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Francisca Gómez

Camila Jenkins

Topic Summary:


The Korean War began on June 25, 1950 and lasted for three years, a month, and two days. It was the result of an invasion on behalf of North Korea who wanted to unite the nation under a single communist ideology. The United States and the United Nations intervened on behalf of South Korea and occupied south of the 38th parallel tried to delay communist expansion. While the north of the 38th parallel was occupied by China and the Soviet Union aiding the North Koreans and supporting their communist expansion ideals. After losing over a million soldiers as casualties of the war, the fight came to an end in July 1953 with two states as the result.


The hostilities between the nations continue even after attempted negotiations in 1954 produced no mutually agreed upon resolution. The 38th parallel, which was the battle front line, became the de facto boundary between present-day Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea) and the Democratic Republic of Korea (South Korea). 


Study Guide:

Director: Camila Jenkins

Co-Director: Francisca Gómez

Historical Security Council

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